Asset-level Data Annual Meeting




Date: 8th June

Location: Virtual

On 8th June 2020, the GeoAsset Project at the University of Oxford, as part of the Spatial Finance Initiative, partnered with 2° Investing Initiative to host a virtual meeting on asset-level data.

Financial decision-makers face an unprecedented combination of social and environmental risks, and associated opportunities. Understanding these risks at the required level of granularity increasingly means assessing them at the asset level. As its use in investment decision-making evolves, asset-level data is increasingly found alongside satellite imagery and remote sensing data, as well as advanced artificial intelligence analytics.

This meeting took stock of the availability and use of asset level data and how it can contribute to better decision-making. It explored avenues for collaboration on driving asset-level data into the mainstream of risk and opportunity assessment. Most of all, the meeting was a lively forum for discussion, debate and learning for actors across the finance, research and policy spectrum, ranging from investment professionals, to data scientists, to government departments.


10:00-10:30 Introduction and Welcome
10:30-11:30 Showcase: Asset-level data for financial analysis and decision-making
Utilisation rates and asset economics – Matt Gray, Carbon Tracker Initiative
Asset-level physical risk analysis and its integration into ESG – Caroline Sundin, MSCI
Asset-level data for equities analysis – Karl Mallon, XDI
11:30-12:30 Panel Discussion: Curating, using and publishing asset-level data
Josh Gilbert, Co-Founder and CEO, Sust Global
Darius Nassiry, Senior Advisor, Climate Finance Advisors
Jamie Armour, Policy Advisor, Green Finance, UK BEIS
Lisa Wong, Partner, Verification and Impact, Affirmative Investment Management
Matthew Wright, Analyst, Impax Asset Management
12:30-13:30 Parallel Sessions 1: Sector-specific challenges and solutions

Session 1A: Heavy industry, transport and linear assets

Christophe Christiaen, Sustainable Finance Lead, Satellite Applications Catapult
Léonie Chatain, Senior Analyst, Climate Risk, Four Twenty Seven
Dirk Röttgers, Policy Analyst, OECD
Matthew McCarten, Spatial Finance Lead, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme
Susanne Schmitt, Nature and Spatial Finance Lead, WWF-UK

Session 1B: Agriculture and forestry

Jakob Thomä, 2° Investing Initiative
Clarisse Simonek, Head of Responsible Investment, Ossiam
Catherine Marshall, Principal Consultant, RealAlts
Albert Boogard, Head of Innovation, Rabo Foundation
Alexander Gillett, CEO, HowGood
13:30-14:30 Parallel Sessions 2: Methodologies and applications for asset-level data

Session 2A: Machine learning, AI and asset-level data

Nataliya Tkachenko, Research Associate, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme
Scott Wiechenthal, Assistant Professor, McGill University
Beth Burks, Associate Director, S&P Global Ratings
Christian Lelong, Director, Natural Resources, Kayrros
Jackson Hoffart, Analyst, 2° Investing Initiative
Gabriel Thoumi, Director, Planet Tracker

Session 2B: Measuring and understanding risk

Madison Condon, Associate Professor, Boston University School of Law
Ellie Mulholland, Director, Commonwealth Climate & Law Initiative
Luke Wakeling, Climate Risk Consultant, Baringa Partners
Harun Dogo, Executive Director, Global Sustainable Finance, Morgan Stanley
Dieter Wang, Consultant, World Bank
Noémie Klein, CEO, Asset Resolution
14:30-15:00 Plenary and report-back from session moderators
15:00-15:15 Summary and next steps

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