Podcast: Sustainability & You featuring Professor Martin Siegert




CGFI researcher Professor Martin Siegert of Imperial College London is the first guest on the Sustainability &  You podcast.

Martin is a glaciologist having studied geological geophysics at Reading University, and with a PhD in the numerical modelling of large ice sheets from Cambridge University. His current work involves the study of large ice sheets in the past, present and future, using combinations of numerical modelling, satellite observations and glacier geophysical measurements. He is an author, prize winner and artic explorer.

The Sustainability & You podcasts are a series of interviews with experts in science, academia, government, business, NGO’s and economists amongst others, all of whom influence and shape the race to net zero. It’s purpose is to create greater awareness and connectivity between all these different actors so that we can accelerate decarbonisation and ESG solutions.

You can listen the the episode here