Dhirendra Kumar

University of Reading


Dr. Dhirendra Kumar is a Research Scientist at the NCAS, University of Reading (UoR). His current project aims at developing an open-source catastrophe model for the combined European extreme wind-flood risk and associated insurance losses. Previously he has worked on the development of a decision support tool for the farmers for the prediction of disease risk in goats over Africa under the GoatSAT project. He also completed the CSSP-China DAHLIA project on “High-resolution modelling of Dust Weather over East Asia” at the NCAS, UoR.

With a Ph.D. project on coupled regional land-atmosphere modelling for Indian Monsoons from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, Dr. Kumar has expertise in hydrometeorology, high-resolution climate modelling, weather & climate extremes, Himalayan weather and climate, and the science of climate change. In addition, Dr. Kumar has a research interest in the application of Machine Learning in Earth System Science. He also holds a MSc (Gold Medal) in Environmental Science, from the Central University of South Bihar, India.

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