Neetu Kushwaha

The Alan Turing Institute


Neetu Kushwaha is a Research Associate working on machine learning in the sustainable finance theme within the Finance and Economics Programme at The Alan Turing Institute, London.

Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at INRIA, IRISA research center in Rennes, France. During her postdoctoral tenure, she focused on understanding the inner workings of deep neural networks (DNN) using interpretable techniques and pattern mining.

She holds a Ph.D. in machine learning from IIT Roorkee, India. Her doctoral research focused on the development of clustering algorithms to address the limitations of traditional approaches by leveraging metaheuristic-based techniques. She applied these clustering algorithms to practical applications such as text clustering and collaborative filtering-based recommender systems for movie recommendations.

Her research interests encompass machine learning, deep learning, recommender systems, and natural language processing, with a specific focus on their application in sustainable finance.

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