Sustainable Investing: Progress in Practice




Sustainable Investing: Progress in Practice

20-21, 23-24 September 2021 | Online

CFA UK’s Sustainable Investment conference brought together investment practitioners to discuss how best to implement sustainable investment strategies today and in future.

Dr Ben Caldecott, Director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Group at the University of Oxford and Director of the UK Centre for Greening Finance & Investment, joined a session on the final day – themed Towards a sustainable future – to discuss ‘Where next for policy, regulation and client demands?’

Across four half-day sessions in the week beginning 20 September, the event brought together investment professionals to consider some of the key questions that we still need to resolve, to consider the skill sets that investment professionals need to cultivate, to look at the various sectors in which those skills need to be applied and to think about some of the challenges that are likely to arise in the coming few years.

More information and watch conference highlights

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