Finance and Biodiversity: Business@Biodiversity Sweden




Finance and Biodiversity with Business@Biodiversity Sweden

17 March 2022 | Online

Christophe Christiaen is joining the Digital network event: Finance and Biodiversity, which will bring together speakers from the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge and Foundation, SwedbankRobur, ASN Bank, CREM and the Spatial Finance Initiative on the topic of biodiversity engagement between finance and companies.

In his talk on ‘Spatial Finance: Asset-level Insights for Biodiversity Impacts, Risks and Opportunities’, Christophe will outline how advances in spatial finance and asset-level data availability can help financial institutions measure and monitor biodiversity risks and impacts more effectively.

Business@Biodiversity Sweden is the leading sustainability network for large corporations and trade organisations that want to be at the forefront with their sustainability work, drive development and work with biodiversity as part of their business model.

The membership provides companies with access to a knowledge platform with exchange of ideas, lectures and training. They go in-depth into concepts that are becoming increasingly relevant, and follow global business intelligence, international trends, research and development. Above all, the network provides the opportunity to meet, discuss and be inspired within a forum where engagement counts higher than prior knowledge.


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