Bethan Perkins

Science and Technology Facilities Council


Dr Bethan Perkins works for the Scientific Computing Department at the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) as Team Lead of DAFNI.

DAFNI (Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure) is a major UK national facility, based at the Science and Technology Facilities Council, which supports cross-disciplinary collaborative research in infrastructure. Using containerisation techniques, DAFNI allows researchers to upload and run their models on the platform while accessing a common data repository along with visualisation tools. DAFNI forms a central resource to infrastructure researchers in the UK and provides a long-term record of the modelling activities undertaken, which stands as a legacy beyond a project’s lifetime.

Bethan’s role as Team Leader of DAFNI is to oversee platform development and prioritise new features which best serve the user community. She is the Agile Product Owner for DAFNI and coordinates the gathering and processing of user requirements for the platform. Bethan also coordinates the DAFNI technical team as well as supports bid development and project management within DAFNI’s programme of work.

Before joining STFC, Bethan’s background was in climate science (University of Reading, Department of Meteorology), science communication (BBC) and Earth Observation applications development (Assimila Ltd).

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