Mark Freeman

Professor of Finance
University of York


Mark Freeman is currently Professor of Finance at the University of York, having previously served as Dean of the University of York Management School from 2016-2022. He is interested in intergenerational finance, particularly very long-term discount rates and expected rates of return.

His work has a range of applications in the cost-benefit analysis of climate change mitigation, investment in infrastructure and other long-lived projects, the estimation of DB pension scheme deficits, and asset allocation decisions for long-term investors. His research has been published in leading journals in both interdisciplinary sciences and economics as well as accounting and finance.

He has provided guidance to HM Treasury, the UK Home Office and Department for Transport, the Ministry of Finance (Netherlands), the UK Office for National Statistics, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and the OECD.  His work has been cited in a number of policy-oriented reports, including the IPCC’s AR6, the EU Parliament’s resolution ahead of COP26, and by the US Interagency Working Group in its interim estimates of the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Mark started his career as a stockbroker in the City of London.  He has previously worked at the Universities of Loughborough, Bradford, Exeter and Warwick and held visiting positions in the United States and Australia.

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