Quintin Rayer

Head of Research and Ethical Investing
P1 Investment


Quintin has worked for actuarial and investment consultancy firms as well as a multi-national European bank for nearly ten years. Projects have included substantial and innovative development of quantitative fund selection and analysis techniques, risk-monitoring, and portfolio optimisation, including in-house training for analysts and relationship managers.

He has applied his knowledge and experience in computational and analytical analysis from engineering to areas in finance. Quintin is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments, a Chartered Wealth Manager and holds a Physics degree from Imperial College London and a Physics doctorate in atmospheric physics from the University of Oxford.

He has also completed the Sustainable Investment Professional Certification (SIPC) with the John Molson Business School, becoming this programme’s first graduate in the Channel Islands and the second in the UK. As a secondary affiliation, from March 2022, Quintin has been an Associate Business Fellow at the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI) researching share price downside risks associated with the historical emissions of listed companies. In January 2017, Quintin joined P1 Investment Management Ltd, founding their ethical and sustainable investing proposition.

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