Centre for Finance, Innovation and Technology (CFIT) launches




The Centre for Finance, Innovation and Technology (CFIT) launched today, and announced future collaboration with CGFI on developing our climate internship programme.

Prof Iain Clacher, (Co-Lead, Commercialisation and Supporting the Ecosystem, CGFI) commented on the launch in his capacity as Head of the Centre for Financial Technology and Innovation at the University of Leeds:

“We are pleased to announce that CFIT and the University of Leeds will be partnering on a programme of placements and internships into Fintech businesses across the UK. Drawing on students from a wide range of subjects across the University, as well as students from diverse backgrounds, many of whom may not see financial services and fintech as a career open to them, we will be able to start to build the talent pipeline that is needed for the UK to be a global leader in innovation in finance.”

“We will also be working with the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment, a consortium of universities, led by the University of Oxford, with the universities of Bristol, Imperial, Leeds, and Reading, to support their climate internship programme to help build the critical mass of experts with the right skills to accelerate the adoption of best in-class climate science into institutional investment in the UK and globally.”