Climate Transition Plans for Financial Institutions and Listed Companies




7th February 2023 | London

At COP26, the Chancellor announced that financial sector firms and listed companies will have to publish clear, deliverable transition plans in 2023, setting out how they will decarbonise and transition to net zero. This will be implemented by the Financial Conduct Authority as part of the regulatory regime.

Following the Chancellor’s announcement, HM Treasury launched the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) in April 2022 to provide companies with guidance of what transition plans should look like and in November 2022 the TPT published their Disclosure Framework and Implementation Guidance for gold standard transition plans, which is under consultation until 28 February 2023. The CGFI is part of the TPT Secretariat.

City & Financial Global’s summit featured speakers from the TPT Delivery and Steering Groups and Secretariat discussing practical, detailed guidance about the steps that financial firms and companies need to be taking now in order to ensure that they are prepared to meet regulatory expectations and produce transition plans of the required standard.

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