Wednesday 29th March 2023 | Tokyo
Adopted in 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined as a universal roadmap for achieving a sustainable and inclusive future by 2030. They encompass 17 global goals, ranging from tackling climate change to the elimination of hunger.
How should investors think about the SDGs across asset allocation, portfolio management, risk analysis, and stewardship and engagement? Can they make a positive contribution to the realisation of the goals and if so, how? How can they ensure alignment with the global goals across different asset classes given the paucity of high-quality data? What emerging tools and datasets could support the integration of SDGs into investment decisions? What are the pros and cons of these different approaches and do they shed light on the future capabilities that might emerge for investors? And finally, what role, if any, do financial regulators have to play in supporting the adoption of SDG-aligned practices in investment?
Leading international experts explored these topics during an afternoon event in Tokyo on Wednesday 29th March followed by a networking reception. The event was organised by the University of Oxford, together with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and ClientEarth.
これらのテーマについて考えるシンポジウムを、来る3月29日(水)に東京で開催します。日米欧の第一線で活躍する専門家が講演を行い、その後、交流の機会となる懇親会も開かれます。本イベントは、オックスフォード大学主催で、UN Principles for Responsible Investment(国際連合責任投資原則)とClientEarthの協力により開催します。
Our speakers included:
- Michiyo Morisawa, Senior Lead, UN PRI
森澤 充世(PRI シグナトリー・リレーションズ シニアリード) - Hideki Takada, Director for Strategy Development, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan
高田 英樹(金融庁 総合政策局総合政策課長) - Chie Mitsui, Senior Researcher, Nomura Research Institute
三井 千絵(野村総合研究所 主任研究員) - Sean Tseng Legal Consultant, ClientEarth
ショーン・ツェン(クライアントアース リーガルコンサルタント) - Takeshi Kimura, Special Advisor to the Board, Nippon Life Insurance
木村 武 (日本生命保険相互会社 執行役員) - Berenice Lasfargues, Sustainability Integration Lead, BNP Paribas Asset Management
ベレニス・ラスファルグ(BNPパリバ・アセット・マネジメント社 サスティナビリティ・インテグレーション・リード) - Lise Pretorius, Head of Sustainability Analysis, Matter
リセ・プレトリウス(マター社 サスティナビリティ分析責任者) - Dr Alex Money, Director, Innovative Infrastructure Investment Programme, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group (OxSFG
アレックス・マネー博士(オックスフォード・サスティナブル・ファイナンスグループ イノベーティブ・インフラストラクチャー・インベストメント ディレクター)