CGFI Annual Forum 2023 – Recordings




Welcome and opening remarks

Rowan Douglas & Ben Caldecott

Baroness Penn

Iain Williams

Transition plans and transition planning: Ensuring credibility and international alignment

2023 is the year of the transition plan. Recently the latest UK Green Finance Strategy and TPT’s new Disclosure Framework underline the need for credible and internationally-aligned transition planning approaches, underpinned by new tools and data. In this session, panellists discuss how to meet these challenges, and how to develop credible transition plans, looking beyond net zero to integrate adaptation and nature.


Jennifer Bell – Vice President – Climate Change, Barclays

Jacques Morris – Head of Policy, CGFI & Secretariat Team Lead, TPT (chair)

Tim Rawlings – Co-Head, Climate Hub, Bank of England

Matt Scott – Senior Director, Climate and Resilience Hub at Willis Towers Watson

Swenja Surminski – Managing Director Climate and Sustainability, Marsh McLennan &
Professor in Practice, Grantham Research Institute, LSE

Stress testing and scenario planning: What’s next after CBES?

The Bank of England’s Climate Biennial Exploratory Scenario exercise was designed to stress test the UK’s largest banks and insurers portfolios against climate risks. In this session CGFI will share findings and learnings from the exercise and host a panel discussion around scenario planning challenges and the future of climate stress testing.


Iain Clacher – Professor of Pensions & Finance, University of Leeds

Rama Cont – Chair of Mathematical Finance, University of Oxford

Chris Faint – Head, Climate Hub division, Bank of England

Jo Paisley – President, Global Association of Risk Professionals

Jakob Thomä – Co-Founder & Research Director, 2DII

Mike Wilkins – Executive Director and Professor of Practice, Centre for Climate Finance and Investment, Imperial College London (Chair)


Keynote - David Craig

Data needs for a nature positive economy

As our economy and society relies heavily on nature and the ecosystem services it provides, the loss of nature and biodiversity is posing significant financial risks for companies and financial institutions alike. In this session panellists explore the current state of understanding nature-related financial risks as well as the data needs and challenges to support a nature positive economy.


Nitika Agarwal – Head of Sustainable Finance Policy, WWF-UK

Helen Avery – Director, Nature Programmes and GFI Hive, Green Finance Institute

David Craig – Co-Chair,

Sebastian Leape – Chief Executive Officer, natcap

Joanna Macrae – Head of Strategy and LEAF, International Forest Unit,

Combatting wind-flood risks: Implications, understanding and analytics from research to business

Co-occurring natural hazards can lead to increased impacts and damages. In a changing climate it is increasingly important to understand the evolution of risk from multiple co-occurring natural hazards. In the session we will showcase some of the latest research on combined wind-flood risks followed by a panel discussion on the integration of these research insights into business decision making.


Paul Bates – Professor of Hydrology, University of Bristol (co-chair)

Hannah Bloomfield – Research Associate in Climate Risk Analytics, University of Bristol

Jennifer Catto – Associate Professor, University of Exeter

Rowan Douglas – Director, Insurance Development Forum

Len Shaffrey – Professor of Climate Science, University of Reading (co-chair)

Jessica Turner – Managing Director, Catastrophe Advisory at Guy Carpenter

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