Abhinav Jindal

Senior Researcher and Energy Economist


Dr. Abhinav Jindal holds a PhD in Economics from Indian Institute of Management, Indore, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. He has over 20 years’ experience working with utilities in various domains related with financial, commercial, techno-economic and regulatory aspects of power sector. As Honorary Research Fellow, he is interested in estimating climate related financial risks and opportunities for Indian firms and financial institutions in the real as well as the financial economy, to ascertain transition-related changes and integrate these into mainstream financial decision making.

His research interests are at the interface of economics, sustainable finance, energy and environment. His past research areas include investigating large state-owned enterprises (SOEs), assessing firm level financial risks emanating due to transition, estimating financed emissions for banks, devising innovative financial mechanisms for accelerating transition and net zero emissions, examining just energy transitions and partnerships (JET-Ps) and policy design for scale adoption of emerging technologies such as battery storage and green hydrogen.

Abhinav has co-authored more than 30 publications in international journals, conferences, book chapters and case studies. His articles on related contemporary issues have featured in Economic Times, Indian Express, IEEFA and other leading media outlets. He also serves as an Advisory Board Member at Center for Excellence in Sustainable Development (CESD), Goa Institute of Management, India.

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