Navigating Climate Challenges in Insurance (Royal Meteorological Society)




29th January, 11:00 – 17:30 | Brit Group, London

The insurance sector strives for a better understanding of the weather and climate risks influencing the exposure it insures. Diverse datasets are available to help achieve this. However, a lack of expert guidance and/or data relevance can often inhibit progress.

This roundtable discussion brought together experts from academia and the insurance and catastrophe risk sectors to address the knowledge and data gaps that are most significant in inhibiting sectoral growth in this field. Participants tackled questions including:

  • How should the difference between natural variability and climate change be quantified?
  • How can climate model output be leveraged for analysis of future physical and transitional climate impacts?
  • How can uncertainty be accurately quantified in climate model projections?

Attendees also systematically reviewed and discussed the state of research and best practices of weather and climate data utilisation within the insurance sector, and addressed specific natural hazards throughout. Discussion groups were shaped by the expertise and interests of participants.

The event was organised by RMetS with partners WTW and Brit Insurance and in collaboration with the CGFI.

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