Following on from our event in March 2024, The CGFI Leeds Innovation Hub, in collaboration with the Lighthill Risk Network, Oasis LMF, Journal of Catastrophe Risk and Resilience, and Maximum Information, are hosting an online update event.
In March 2024, we convened the insurance sector and broader ecosystem to discuss four of the most significant challenges they will face in the coming years. The goal of this initial event was to begin aligning climate science with industry needs, ensuring that the research agenda delivers impactful and high-quality science where it is most needed. UK CGFI Leeds has been tracking progress and is now ready, together with the broader research community, to provide an update on the advancements made on the top four challenges.
Additionally, this event will act as a vital platform for linking the broader research community with industry, highlighting other significant research initiatives. We will invite the wider research community to share the latest updates on cutting-edge climate science and its integration into their research agendas with the aim of having industry impact.
Patricia Grant - Event Lead
UK CGFI Leeds Innovation Hub Manager │ University of Leeds
Dr Ségolène Berthou
Met Office
Prof Iain Clacher
UK CGFI │ University of Leeds
Dr Laura Dawkins
Met Office
Dr Nicholas Leach
University of Oxford
Prof Jason Lowe OBE
UK CGFI │ Met Office
Dr Tom Philp
Maximum Information
Dr Matthew Priestley
Amir Sethu
MS Amlin
Prof Ralf Toumi
UK CGFI │ Imperial College London
Prof Pier Luigi Vidal
University of Reading│ NCAS
Dickie Whitaker
Oasis LMF │ The Lighthill Risk Network
More speakers to be announced
UK CGFI │ University of Leeds
Research Theme Update - four of the biggest challenges facing the insurance sector
Dickie Whitaker
Oasis LMF │ The Lighthill Risk Network
How much physical risk can already be attributed to climate change, and what level of future risk is already locked in?
Dr Nicholas Leach
University of Oxford
Prof Ralf Toumi
UK CGFI │Imperial College London
High resolution information and downscaling
Prof Pier Luigi Vidale
Dr Ségolène Berthou
Met Office
Potential for improved decadal scale forecasts
Dr Adrian Champion
Dr Laura Dawkins
Met Office
Large Scale Earth System Climate Tipping Points
Dr Tom Phlip
Maximum Information
Breaching Points
Prof Iain Clacher
UK CGFI │ University of Leeds
Amir Sethu
MS Amlin
Wider Reseach Activity
Dr Matthew Priestley
Next Steps and Closing Remarks
Prof Jason Lowe OBE
UK CGFI │ Met Office