25-26 March – Workshop: from research to application in the insurance industry




25 – 26 March 2025 | Cloth Hall Court – University of Leeds

A two-day workshop to discuss and debate two key challenges Annual-to-Decadal Predictions of Weather and Climate Perils, and European Windstorm Risk in a Changing Climate, with leading experts and key players from the insurance sector.

Following on from our events in March 2024 and January 2025, the UK CGFI Leeds Innovation Hub, in collaboration with the Lighthill Risk Network, Oasis LMF, Journal of Catastrophe Risk and Resilience, and Maximum Information, are hosting an in-person two-day workshop.

This is an opportunity for invited representatives from science and industry to collaborate with UK CGFI Leeds and its partners, to address key challenges with the aim of moving from research to application in the industry.

Limited places; if you are an insurance/risk professional or academic working in a related area, please complete the form to register your interest. You will receive an email confirming whether you have secured a spot, based on availability.

About the Workshop


The insurance industry has managed risk from climate and weather perils for centuries. However, with the advent and rapid sophistication of explicit catastrophe risk modelling in the past few decades, coupled with technological and business driven evolution of the private risk transfer market in recent years, many new opportunities for enhancing views of climate and weather peril risks are being uncovered.

For example, alternative capital flows into the traditional insurance market have encouraged many risk carriers to implement time-varying views of risk over multiple timescales, whether that be adjusting portfolios in advance of an upcoming ENSO phase, or adjusting strategy in the face of a warming climate.

Further, these evolutions are driving increased collaboration between academia and insurance based risk practitioners, allowing re-formulation of foundational catastrophe risk management questions, such as how to decompose views of risk to their constituent components (whether hazard, vulnerability or financial/market-based in nature), and how these component parts may be most optimally valuable both in isolation and in tandem.

This workshop is an opportunity for industry experts to explore how to take the latest research into application within the insurance industry, and for academic experts to understand where their research may have tangible impact in climate and weather risk.

Picture of Prof Iain<br>Clacher

Prof Iain

University of Leeds

Picture of Prof Jason<br>Lowe OBE

Prof Jason
Lowe OBE

Met Office

Picture of Dr Tom <br>Philp

Dr Tom

Maximum Information

Picture of Dr Kelsey<br>Mulder

Dr Kelsey

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Picture of Prof Len<br>Shaffrey

Prof Len

National Oceanography Centre

Picture of Dickie<br>Whitaker


Oasis LMF
The Lighthill Risk Network

Day 1: 12:30 – 18:45 followed by Networking Dinner
Day 2: 09:15 – 15:30

Opening Presentations – Challenge Introduction and Latest Science

Each day will begin with opening presentations from both the industry challenge lead and the lead researcher. These presentations will set the tone for the day, providing valuable insights and context. 

The industry expert will take the lead on the day’s challenge. They will introduce the challenge in detail, offering an overview and background information. Additionally, they will suggest specific directions or “steers” for the challenge statement, guiding participants on how to approach and tackle the problem effectively.

Working Groups

Participants will then divide into working groups to discuss and debate the day’s challenge. Each working group will be guided by two facilitators: one from the industry and one academic researcher. This combination aims to create a balanced and comprehensive approach to problem-solving and idea generation within the working group.

    • The industry facilitator will bring practical insights and real-world experience, ensuring that the group’s discussions and outcomes are grounded in current industry practices and challenges.
    • The leading researcher will contribute cutting-edge knowledge and theoretical perspectives, fostering innovative thinking and ensuring that the group’s work is informed by the latest academic advancements.
Working Groups Presentations
At the end of each day, during the plenary session, a member of each working group will present their group’s findings. These presentations will be conducted using MS PowerPoint or similar software, allowing each group to effectively communicate their results and insights. This session will provide an opportunity for all participants to share their progress, discuss challenges faced, and receive feedback from peers and experts. It will also foster a collaborative environment where ideas can be exchanged, and innovative solutions can be developed collectively for the insurance sector.

Day 1

Industry Challenge Lead: Dr Adrian Champion, Aon

Lead Researcher: Prof Jason Lowe OBE

Day 2

Industry Challenge Lead: Dr Kelsey Mulder, Liberty Mutual

Lead Researcher: to be announced

12:30Registration, Refreshments and Networking
13:30WelcomeProf Iain Clacher
Opening StatementDr Tom Philp
Challenge: Annual-to-Decadal Predictions
of Weather and Climate Perils
Dr Adrian Champion
Prof Jason Lowe OBE
Working Groups
Working Groups Presentations
Closing Remarks - relections and next stepsDr Adrian Champion
Prof Jason Lowe OBE
Dickie Whitaker
18:45End of Day 1
19:30Networking Dinner
09:15Registration, Refreshments and Networking
09:45WelcomeProf Iain Clacher
Opening StatementDr Tom Philp
Challenge: European Windstorm Risk in a Changing ClimateDr Kelsey Mulder
Prof Len Shaffrey
Working Groups
Working Groups cont.
Working Groups Presentations
Closing Remarks - relections and next stepsDr Kelsey Mulder
Prof Len Shaffrey
Prof Jason Lowe OBE
Dickie Whitaker
15:45End of Day 2

Any new IP created during the event will be dedicated to the public domain, meaning it can be freely used by anyone without restrictions.

The organisers reserve the right to document and disseminate findings from the hackathon through various channels. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Publications: Academic papers, research articles, and reports.
  • Write-ups: Blog posts, newsletters, and online articles.
  • Communication Materials: Social media updates, press releases, and promotional content.

By participating in the workshop, you acknowledge and agree that your contributions may be included in these outputs, with appropriate credit given to all contributors. This helps to share the knowledge and innovations generated during the event with a broader audience, fostering further collaboration and impact.

We will share, with participants, a list of hotels near to the venue.

Participants should contact the hotel directly to confirm their booking and make payment.

There is no fee.


Picture of Patricia Grant  - Leeds Innovation Hub Manager

Patricia Grant - Leeds Innovation Hub Manager

UK CGFI Leeds │ University of Leeds
Contact: p.grant@leeds.ac.uk

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