Wednesday 3rd November, 13:00-14:00 BST | COP26 Science Pavilion and online
How can climate-informed stress testing support a more resilience global economy and society?
Hosted by the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment and the UK Met Office, with the Bank of England, European Central Bank.
How can financial institutions leverage the best available science to build financial resilience? A conversation convened by the UK, Banco de Mexico, De Nederlandsche Bank, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Speakers and panellists
Ben Caldecott (Co-chair), Director, Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
Nicola Ranger (Co-chair), Deputy Director, Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
Spyros Alogoskoufis, Climate Risk Expert, European Central Bank
Jim Hall, Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks in the University of Oxford
Theresa Lober, Head of Climate Hub, Bank of England
Jason Lowe, Principal Fellow/Head of Climate Services for Government at the Met Office
Olivier Mahul, Practice Manager, Climate and Disaster Risk Finance, World Bank
Patricia Moles Fanjul, Expert, Banco de Mexico
Ignite sessions
Antoine Bavandi, Senior Risk Finance Specialist, World Bank
Francesco Caloia, Economist, De Nederlandsche Bank
Christophe Christiaen, Innovation and Impact Lead, Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
Flavia Olivieri, Research Associate, Willis Towers Watson
Hiroko Oura, Deputy Division Chief, International Monetary Fund
Shoko Takemoto, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank