CGFI London Innovation Hub​

The CGFI London Innovation Hub connects and supports different actors (businesses, professionals, academia, policymakers, NGOs) that are seeking to provide climate and environmental solutions to financial institutions.
CGFI’s London Innovation Hub will organise events; signpost members to resources, funding and supporting opportunities; and disseminate research insights, practical applications from CGFI and the broader UK scientific community.
The Hub is hosted at the Royal Institution and in partnership with the UK Centre for Green Finance and Investment (CGFI), Grantham Institute/Centre for Climate Change Innovation (CCCI) and Imperial College Business School.

Mike Wilkins
Director, CGFI London Innovation Hub

Rikkie Yeung
London Innovation Hub Manager

Yllka Hysaj
London Innovation Hub Manager
To find out more about how you can collaborate and innovate at the London Innovation Hub, please contact Yllka Hysaj.